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Research School of Earth Sciences
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Kurt Lambeck

Professor of Geophysics
Former President of the Academy of Science (2006-2010)

Research School of Earth Sciences
The Australian National University
Canberra , ACT 0200, Australia

T: +61 2 6125 5161
F: +61 2 6125 5443



Current Research

Australian Academy of Science


Research Interests

My research interests range through the disciplines of geophysics, geodesy and geology with a focus on the deformations of the Earth on intermediate and long time scales and on the interactions between surface processes and the solid earth. Past research areas have included the determination of the Earth's gravity field from satellite tracking data, the tidal deformations and rotational motion of the Earth, the evolution of the Earth-Moon orbital system, lithospheric and crustal deformation processes. My recent work has focussed on aspects of sea level change and the history of the Earth's ice sheets during past glacial cycles, including field and laboratory work and numerical modelling.