The Australian National University
Research School of Earth Sciences
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Bostock, H.C., B.N. Opdyke, M.K. Gagan, et al., Glacial/interglacial changes in the East Australian current [Review]. Climate Dynamics, 2006. 26 (6): p. 645-659.

Rees, S.A., B.N. Opdyke, P.A. Wilson, et al., Coral reef sedimentation on Rodrigues and the Western Indian Ocean and its impact on the carbon cycle. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences, 2005. 363 (1826): p. 101-120.

Pelejero, C., E. Calvo, M.T. McCulloch, et al., Preindustrial to modern interdecadal variability in coral reef pH. Science, 2005. 309 (5744): p. 2204-2207.

Bostock, H.C., B.N. Opdyke, M.K. Gagan, et al., Carbon isotope evidence for changes in Antarctic Intermediate Water circulation and ocean ventilation in the southwest Pacific during the last deglaciation - art. no. PA4013 [Review]. Paleoceanography, 2004. 19 (4): p. A4013.

Gagan, M.K., L.K. Ayliffe, B.N. Opdyke, et al., Coral oxygen isotope evidence for recent groundwater fluxes to the Australian Great Barrier Reef - art. no. 1982. Geophysical Research Letters, 2002. 29 (20): p. 1982.

Ryan, D.A., B.N. Opdyke, and J.S. Jell, Holocene sediments of Wistari Reef: towards a global quantification of coral reef related neritic sedimentation in the Holocene. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 175(1-4 Special Issue, 2001. 175 (1-4 Special Issue SI): p. 173-184.

Muller, A. and B.N. Opdyke, Glacial-interglacial changes in nutrient utilization and paleoproductivity in the Indonesian Throughflow sensitive Timor Trough, easternmost Indian Ocean. Paleoceanography, 2000. 15 (1): p. 85-94.

Zachos, J.C., B.N. Opdyke, T.M. Quinn, et al., Early cenozoic glaciation, antarctic weathering, and seawater Sr-87/Sr-86: is there a link? Chemical Geology, 1999. 161 (1-3): p. 165-180.

Kleypas, J.A., R.W. Buddemeier, D. Archer, et al., Geochemical consequences of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide on coral reefs. Science, 1999. 284 (5411): p. 118-120.

Erba, E., J.E.T. Channell, M. Claps, et al., Integrated stratigraphy of the Cismon APTICORE (Southern Alps, Italy): A "reference section" for the Barremian-Aptian interval at low latitudes [Review]. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 1999. 29 (4): p. 371-391.

Fraser, S., M. Davis, M. Griss, et al., Software Reuse - Nemesis or Nirvana - Panel Session. Sigplan Notices (Acm Special Interest Group on Programming Languages), 1998. 33 (10): p. 417-420.

Fraser, S., K. Beck, G. Booch, et al., Beyond the Hype - Do Patterns and Frameworks Reduce Discovery Costs. Sigplan Notices (Acm Special Interest Group on Programming Languages), 1997. 32 (10): p. 342-344.

Wilson, P.A. and B.N. Opdyke, Equatorial Sea-Surface Temperatures for the Maastrichtian Revealed through Remarkable Preservation of Metastable Carbonate. Geology, 1996. 24 (6): p. 555-558.

Walker, J.C.G. and B.C. Opdyke, Influence of Variable Rates of Neritic Carbonate Deposition on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Pelagic Sediments. Paleoceanography, 1995. 10 (3): p. 415-427.

Arnaudvanneau, A., G.F. Camoin, J.A. Haggerty, et al., CARBONATE BUILD-UP OF ATOLLS AND GUYOTS IN THE NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC - PRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM ODP LEG-144 [French]. Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences Serie II-Mecanique Physique Chimie Sciences de la Terre et de l Univers, 1993. 317 (7): p. 947-954.