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The dynamics of viscoplastic lava flows

Lava flows cover much of the Earth, the Moon, Mars, Venus, and several satellites of the outer planets. They produce surface morphology, hold important clues to planetary evolution, host major ore deposits and pose serious hazards to both people and property. Lavas vary greatly in their viscosities and eruption rates, and form a wide range of flow types from long channel flows to lava domes. On the Earth, basaltic flows transport enormous volumes of melt in flood basalt eruptions, comprise the upper seafloor at fast spreading mid-ocean ridges, and build up volcanic ‘hotspot’ islands such as Hawaii.

The dynamics of lava flows are characterized by a complex set of thermal and mechanical interactions between the flow and its environment, and also between properties of the lava and processes such as solidification, shearing and stirring within the flow. The evolution and final state of the lava flow will be strongly influenced by the nature and timing of cooling and solidification of the multiple mineral phases within the fluid, as well as the internal rheology and the thermal structure of the flow itself.

In recent research in the GFD Laboratory at RSES, novel laboratory experiments and theoretical analysis have been used to understand surface crust formation, channel formation and flow morphology in Newtonian fluids subject to surface cooling (Griffiths, Kerr and Cashman, 2003; Cashman, Kerr and Griffiths, 2006; Kerr, Griffiths and Cashman, 2006). This work predicts the behavior of crystal-poor lavas that behave as Newtonian fluids, such as some proximal basaltic flows on Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii and submarine lava flows on the East Pacific Rise. However, many lavas contain sufficient crystals that the lava has a non-Newtonian rheology with a substantial yield strength, including those typical of distal Hawaiian channels and most Mt. Etna flows. The yield strength can have a significant effect on the velocity distribution in a channel flow, and hence should have a major impact on the very complex interaction between convection and surface solidification seen in solidifying channel flows.

I aim to develop a quantitative understanding of solidification, cooling mechanisms, channel formation and tube formation in lava flows with a Bingham yield strength rheology. My PhD experiments can be broken into two broad sets:

Surface solidification and flow morphology in channeled yield strength flows.

In these experiments, slurries of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and kaolin flow down a long sloping channel under cold salty water. I determine the roles of yield strength, flow rate, cooling rate, aspect ratio, and slope in governing surface crust distribution, the critical conditions for transition from open channel to lava tube flow, and the thermal efficiency of the flow. The results will be scaled to highly crystalline lavas typical of distal Hawaiian channels and most Mt. Etna flows, to interpret and understand the observed flow morphologies, cooling rates and surface crust distributions.

Self-organized, solidifying yield strength flows on a slope.

Following the above study of solidifying yield strength flows in prescribed channels, I will tackle the more complex problem of channel formation and evolution. For these experiments on self-organized, solidifying flows, PEG-kaolin slurries with different yield strengths and viscosities will flow down a wide uniform slope at a constant flow rate and temperature, under cold salty water. I will determine the dependence of channel or tube width, channel aspect ratio and rate of flow front advance on the yield strength and viscosity of the PEG-kaolin slurries, the slope, the volume flux and the thermal conditions. I will also determine the conditions for channel flows to remain ‘open’ or to become insulated tubes.

Ductile deformation in shear zones

Metamorphic thermodynamics - amphibole geochemistry